Safety in the Workplace
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- Understand the difference between a safety program and a safety culture
- Use resources to help you understand the regulations in your area
- Launch a safety committee
- Identify hazards and reduce them
- Apply hiring measures that can improve safety
- Explain what a safety training program will involve
- Identify groups particularly at risk for injury and know how to protect them
- Help your organisation write, implement, and review a safety plan
- Respond to incidents and near misses
- Understand the basics of accident investigation and documentation
Workplace accidents and injuries cost corporations millions of dollars and thousands of hours lost every year. They also have a profound, often lifelong impact on workers. Introducing a safety culture into your organisation, where safety is valued as an integral part of the business’s operation, not only saves the business time and money, it also builds a committed, loyal, healthy workforce. This content will give participants the foundation to start building your safety culture.
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