The Professional Supervisor


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    With a host of new challenges and responsibilities to tackle, new supervisors need training that helps them adjust to their new role. Learning how to supervise your new employees on a trial and error basis can lead to discouragement. This content can help you overcome many of the problems a new supervisor may encounter, and to set the groundwork for a successful change in your working life!
    Learning Outcomes:

    • Clarify the scope and nature of a supervisory position.
    • Learn some ways to deal with the challenges of the role.
    • Recognise the responsibilities you have as a supervisor, to yourself, your team, and your organisation.
    • Learn key techniques to help you plan and prioritise effectively.
    • Acquire a basic understanding of leadership, team building, communication, and motivation, and what part they play in effective supervision.
    • Develop strategies for motivating your team, giving feedback, and resolving conflict.


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